Welcome to
The Lo Down
No Facades, Just Facts
Debate is great
I’m all about hearing different perspectives, discussing design, or finding the best way to make a sandwich. It’s not just about winning; it’s about finding the strongest idea.
Failure fuels innovation
Failure is just innovation in disguise. When things don’t go as planned, I see it as an opportunity to rethink, rework, and ultimately develop something better. I’ve done this a couple of times. Just ask.
Integrity, always
I’m looking for the best solution for you, always.
Respect for all
Whether you’re the CEO or the intern grabbing coffee, I treat everyone equally ALWAYS.
Dynamic and diverse is where I thrive
Throw me into a fast-paced, ever-changing environment with people from all walks of life, this is where I shine the brightest.
I’ve got two ears, and I know how to use them.
Innovation starts with listening. Listening is my superpower, and it’s how I turn your ideas into innovation.
Creativity is everywhere
Creativity isn’t reserved for some elite club. It’s at every level, in every role, and across all disciplines. You’ve got an idea? Let’s run with it—no matter where it comes from.
I’m direct and practical, and I get to the point. Don’t worry, I’ll keep things fun. We’ve got cool stuff to make, and I like keeping the focus on that.
I firmly believe in explaining the “why” behind every decision—because informed decisions are the best decisions. Got a business reason behind it, even better.
In GIF, we trust
Life’s too short not to have fun. Whether it’s a high-five GIF for a project win or smiling Shaq with some shimmy shoulder moves to lighten the mood, I believe in finding joy in the little things. Smiling isn't just a habit—it's part of my DNA.